The Simple Answer-Love

The holidays have come and gone and we are more than halfway through the first month of the year. Many folks spent time with family and friends and honored their individual traditions. For many, they were alone, struggling through the HOLIDAY season. What can you do...

The Miracle of Life

Sometimes I think we take our life for granted. I know that when I was younger, I had this notion that I was invincible, that I could continue to make unhealthy choices and there would be no consequences. I was on a path that could have led to disaster but I was...

Let Gratitude Be Your Guide

We are entering that time of year when we give formal thanks for all that we have and all that we are becoming. I have a daily ritual that I would like to share with you. Each day when I wake up, the first thing that I say to myself is, “I am grateful I woke up this...

What Are You Afraid Of?

It takes courage these days to live in our world. So many changes, split second alterations and iterations in our lives. Most folks think of courage as an outward gesture, stepping into situations that may bring harm and helping to mitigate a situation or event. But...

Start Close In

As we draw closer to the last quarter of the year, it is time to begin an inventory of how we are doing in 2015. We all have dreams and goals. The question becomes one of focus and diligence. What was the number one thing that you said you wanted to work on January 1,...