Have you ever been thinking about someone and the next thing you know you receive a card, text, email or phone call from that very person? People seem surprised when that happens but it happens all the time. Have you ever met someone and it felt like your paths had already crossed at another time? There is a sense of familiarity or comfort about that person that you just can’t put your finger on? Sometimes we get nudges from the universe telling us it is time to make a change in our lives. Most of the time we ignore those nudges because change is difficult and our comfort zone feels safer. What do you think would happen if you paid attention to the thought you are having, the person that enters your life or the opportunity that might be right around the corner? The impact could be dramatic and life altering. Many times people will say that they wish things were different. What if you took just one step towards the life that you have imagined for yourself? What would that look like? Draw the picture in your mind. Look at that picture. Each day do one thing that will lead you toward the picture in your mind. If you focus on one thing each day, you will have completed 365 steps towards your dream. Chances are changes will have occurred over the course of the year. Your future self will thank you.