Last night I went to see the movie the Vow and my greatest takeaway was related to a phrase that Leo (one of the main characters used) throughout the film. “My theory is about moments, moments of impact. My theory is that these … flashes of high impact actually end up defining who we are.” When I returned home last evening, this led me to think about my life and some of the moments of impact that I have experienced over the years. When I was 22, I thought I wanted to save the world so I joined VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) and was sent to Columbia, Missouri. I worked at a Rehabilitation Center with mentally challenged adults for two years but realized that my calling was with the emotionally challenged teens and children. This led to my first round of graduate school and a Masters in Therapeutic Recreation. I loved working as a Recreation Therapist and watching the kids have those aha moments that may have been a moment of impact in their lives. I moved to Kansas City and have spent the last 25 years at a residential treatment center/psychiatric hospital with emotionally challenged teens but left the field of direct service and entered management along the way. My moments of impact were related to watching the staff have those moments of impact that changed their lives. We all have moments of impact, whether it is related to our work, our relationshiips, our life choices or our decisions that we make. The thing to remember is that we are ultimately responsible for all the choices in our lives. And isn’t that the beauty of it, we have choices! Knowing that each day, when we wake up, our moments of impact are related to all the choices that we make moment by moment. Here is to a series of moments that are memorable, breath taking and inspiring. Have a great week!